Cookham Doula
As well as a Cranial-Sacral Paediatric Specialist, I am also a doula. A doula is a birth companion.
The word ‘doula’ is a Greek word whose definition has evolved to describe a woman who helps other women during the transformations of pregnancy and labour. She is experienced in childbirth and provides continual physical, emotional and informational support to the parents before, during and immediately after the birth of the baby.
What Does a Birth Doula Do?
I do not replace a doctor nor am I a midwife. I do not provide clinical care but am able to provide information about the clinical care you receive as well as about your pregnancy, labour and birth. I can guide you through the choices you might have to make during this special time and anything else that may arise during your pregnancy. We can discuss topics like exercise, nutrition, breastfeeding and consolidate your feelings about the kind of birth and labour that you envision for yourself.
I will visit you a couple of times before your onset of labour. I can help you write your birth plan if you want one, and help you understand the physiology and physicality of pregnancy and labour.
During labour, I will be present for you and your partner to support you both so you can stay focussed on the task at hand. I can be your liaison between you and the hospital staff so that the decisions you have made about your labour will be brought to their attention. I will be your health advocate where ever you decide to give birth, be it in hospital, at home or in a birthing centre.
I have experience with home waterbirth, birth centre and the labour ward.
Who Needs a Birth Doula?
Anyone having a baby can benefit from having a birth doula. Where you decide to give birth is irrelevant to me as I will be there by your side wherever you are. I am trained and experienced in the process of childbirth. I understand the normal and abnormal physiological processes of birth and how best to keep you comfortable and positive.
Studies show that women who experience this type of support will require less intervention, less pain medication and bond more readily with their babies.
Fathers/partners of expectant mothers find that this support helps them help their partner. I take the pressure of the partner so they can experience their own private miracle with less anxiety.
Benefits of Having a Doula
Statistics from Mothering the Mother by Klaus, Kennell and Klaus (1993)
- Fifty percent reduction in Cesarean rate
- Forty percent reduction in forceps delivery
- Sixty percent reduction in epidural requests
- Forty percent reduction in synthetic oxytocin use
- Thirty percent reduction in analgesia use
My contact details if you are interested: 01628 471890
- Childbirth Physiology-Rachel Reed (2022)
- Saving Lives Conference MMBRACE (2019)
- Let's Talk Birth (2019)
- Evidence Based Birth Webinar Induction 39w (2018)
- Human Biome in Health and Disease (2018)
- Resuscitation Workshop IM Nightingale (2017)
- Hypnobirthing Conference (2017)
- Women's Voices Conference (2017)
- Inuries in Childbirth RSC (2017)
- Annual DoulaUK Conference (2016)
- Birthing Awareness Study Day (2015)
- Tongue-Tie Study Day (2015)
- Malposition workshop - (2014)
- 'Breastfeeding' lecture - Dr Jack Newman (2014)
- Reflexology for Pregnancy (2014)
- Breastfeeding Study Day (2013)
- Paediatric CPR certificate (2013)
- Spinning Babies Workshop (2012)
- Optimal Foetal Positioning (2012)
- Homeopathy for Childbirth (2011)
- Rebozo Workshop (2011)
- Homebirth Study Day (2010)
- Breastfeeding Study Day (2010)